New ideas, trends, insights and expertise
for you and your team

Cyrus Schultz
International Food-Trends, F&B Retail, HoReCa and Hospitality, International Trade, Import, Export, Market Development

Chelsea van Hooven
Food management, market positioning, growth, startup consulting, slow food, nutrition, food tech

Nikolai de Lousanoff
Business development, growth strategies, sustainability, start-up mentoring

Wolfgang Braunstein
Management & team development, corporate cooperation, EU subsidies, agriculture, fruit and vegetables

Nadja Klein
Change management in the food industry, management and employee coaching, recruiting in times of labour shortages

Marco Linsenmann
Digital transformation, AI, blockchain, supply chains, customer loyalty, product safety, AI chatbots, dialogue marketing (D2C) via smartphone, token-based ecosystems
► F&B
► Agriculture and farming
► Organic food
► Wine, sparkling wine and spirits
► Future food trends
► Gastronomy and catering
► Sustainability topics
► Food management
► Food retailing and e-commerce
► International sales / export
► Digitalization
► Supply chain / food safety
If you are planning a talk on one of these topics and are looking for a speaker with strong stage presence, authenticity and sound expertise, then you should get in touch with us. For our audience (regardless of whether they are leadership circles, sales staff, producers, farmers, winemakers, chefs, gastro professionals or students) we are passionate about speaking on current topics that move our industry: Whether it’s about culinary experiences, food culture or the origin of our daily food. But also about global developments and international trade, about long-term trends or about technical aspects like digitalization in agriculture. In our keynotes, we address the respective topic from the perspective of long-term and sustainable development. Our approach is always „cross-referencing“: how does everyday life change through industry, how do markets change through mindsets, how do values change through culture?
In doing so, we ask thought-provoking questions, challenge preconceived thought patterns, amuse you with anecdotes – and above all generate optimism.
Great keynotes need humor, emotions and strong images. In order to achieve this we use an elaborate presentation technique and speak mainly without a written manuscript. In this way we build a creative tension between the world of images and words. Otherwise: Let us surprise you and trust our experience.

Current topic: „The Future of retail“
The stacking crises of our time – war, inflation, covid, rising energy prices, shortage of skilled workers, climate change – have turned our world upside down and completely changed the way we behave, shop and consume. Producers, food retailers and the restaurant industry are facing major challenges…
Keynote Topics
Are you looking for a unique presentation that will motivate your employees and inspire your customers? Let’s get started with some suggestions for various target groups. The following keynote titles are intended as a suggestion and orientation. It is also possible to combine individual elements or to vary presentations and each presentation can be adapted to the respective occasion.
Languages: German, English, Spanish, French
How do we reduce packaging waste and still present products safely and attractively?
No other topic is currently as hotly debated as sustainable packaging. We show current solutions.
Let’s face up to the challenges of our food: This keynote takes a look at the global food market, presents red-hot food trends and shows current digitalization advances in agriculture.
Vegan diets and Beyond Meat have become an integral part of mainstream diets. However, there are misconceptions and misunderstandings. So: fashionable hype, long-term trend or success factor for your business?
Keynote 4
Sustainability, circular economy and environmental protection
Biodiversity in supply chains: The food industry is increasingly focussing on the protection of biodiversity. Our keynote ‘Biodiversity in Food Supply Chains’ addresses the industry’s responsibility for the global ecosystem and the preservation of economic resources.
Sustainable practices: Sustainable practices in food production, sourcing and restaurant operations to minimise environmental impact.
Sustainable packaging: Trends and innovations in the development of environmentally friendly packaging solutions. How can we reduce packaging waste and still present products safely and attractively? No topic is currently as hotly debated as sustainable packaging. We show current solutions.
Zero waste and food waste management: strategies for reducing food waste throughout the supply chain.
Regenerative agriculture: approaches that go beyond sustainability and aim to actively improve the environment.
WHY IS IT RELEVANT? The circular economy offers solutions to some of the most pressing problems of our time, such as tackling global challenges like reducing greenhouse gas emissions and combating climate change. However, economic opportunities, political relevance, social change and the impact on different economic sectors also play an important role.
LEARNING POINTS: By imparting knowledge, sharing experiences and developing practical skills in this lecture, people can be empowered to actively contribute to the transformation towards a sustainable circular economy and thus make an important contribution to environmental protection.
Keynote 5
Innovations and Trends
Plant-Based and Alternative Proteins
Culinary innovations: The focus is on new and rediscovered traditional cooking techniques, food ingredients and flavour trends.
Plant-based alternatives: The development of meatless and dairy-free alternatives is becoming increasingly important, as the special show ‘Meet more Meatless and Dairy Alternatives’ at ANUGA showed. Following developments based on soya and pea protein, cultured meat (in-vitro meat, poultry and fish) is ‘the next big thing’.
Market trends and consumer acceptance: Analysing market developments and consumer trends in plant-based and alternative protein sources.
Technological innovations: New technologies in the development of plant-based products, such as fermentation, cell cultivation or precision fermentation.
WHY IS IT RELEVANT? This lecture is highly relevant for several reasons: Sustainability and environmental protection, health aspects, consumer education, market opportunities, innovation and the future of nutrition.
LEARNING POINTS: By sharing knowledge and practical experience in lectures and workshops, people can be empowered to make informed choices about their diet and contribute to a more sustainable future.
Keynote 6
Digitalisation: customer loyalty, interactive value journey, supply chain, gamification
Data-driven growth: personalised customer approach and AI in sales
Smart manufacturing, robotics and automation: application of Industry 4.0 technologies in food production
AI in the food industry: use of artificial intelligence to optimise production processes, product development and consumer communication
Blockchain & digital seals for traceability: How blockchain technology can improve transparency and security in the supply chain; track & trace, proof of originality and digital seals
Automated warehouse and ordering systems: using AI and robotics to automate logistics processes and inventory management
AI-driven pricing and promotions: How AI is used in pricing and creating promotional strategies to maximise sales.
WHY IS IT RELEVANT? When it comes to digital transformation and artificial intelligence (or artificial stupidity), there are still many knowledge gaps and a lack of knowledge about areas of application. These topics are therefore currently among the most important in our academy and are discussed at many conferences and trade fairs.
LEARNING POINTS: Use of AI and big data for personalised offers. Effective implementation of data-driven sales strategies. Reducing production costs through technology. This keynote can empower food industry companies and leaders to seize the opportunities of digitalisation and AI and prepare for the future.
Keynote 7
D2C business models in the food industry: Success factors for building a strong brand in direct consumer sales.
Omnichannel strategies: Integrating online and offline sales channels to maximise reach and customer loyalty.
WHY IS IT RELEVANT? Direct selling is relevant and important for producers in the food industry for several reasons: higher profit margins, direct customer contact, control over brand and product presentation, data acquisition and customer insights and strengthening regional economic cycles.
LEARNING POINTS: Through this presentation, manufacturers will learn how to strengthen their market position, deepen customer relationships and respond more flexibly to market demands. This makes direct sales an important strategic option in the increasingly complex and competitive specialised and retail sector.
Keynote 8
Market analysis and selection: Criteria for market selection, methods of market research, PESTEL analysis for target markets
Entry strategies: export (direct/indirect), licensing and franchising, joint ventures, direct investments
Adaptation of the business model: product adaptation vs. standardisation, pricing strategies for international markets, local vs. global marketing strategies, localisation of products and marketing strategies
Cultural intelligence: intercultural communication, adapting to local business practices, building local partnerships
Legal and regulatory aspects: Successfully navigating legal hurdles and market regulations, trade agreements and tariffs, local laws and regulations, intellectual property rights
Case studies and best practices: Successful examples of international market entries, lessons learnt from failed expansions
WHY IS IT RELEVANT? Many established producers – but also food start-ups – face the challenge of expanding internationally, but need to understand different markets, regulations, cultures and consumer habits.
LEARNING POINTS: Opportunities and challenges of global markets and an overview of the necessary adjustments.
Keynote 9
Food safety: Remains a key topic for the industry. We offer various focus talks on this topic, tailored to the target group.
Machine and plant hygiene: Weak points in plant hygiene and production facilities and how to minimise risks.
Food fraud and authenticity: Technologies to combat food fraud and ensure the authenticity of products.
IoT for food safety: How the Internet of Things (IoT) can be used to monitor food safety and quality in real time.
WHY IS IT RELEVANT? Ensuring food safety is a top priority and this talk can help companies optimise their safety measures. Other relevant points are: Ensuring consumer safety, quality assurance and customer satisfaction, regulatory compliance, risk management and crisis prevention.
LEARNING POINTS: Through this presentation, companies in the food industry can continuously improve their food safety and quality control processes to prepare for future challenges.
Keynote 10
Food law: The latest developments in German and European food law, certifications, customs regulations and quality management.
EU Organic Regulation: Innovations regarding the labelling of organic food and requirements for organic control.
Food labelling and safety: New EU regulations and their impact on product development and market launch.
Novel Food Regulations: Authorisation processes for novel foods and food ingredients, particularly in the area of alternative proteins (in-vitro, fermentation, insects)
Packaging regulations
WHY ARE THEY RELEVANT? Compliance with strict safety standards throughout the supply chain, implementation of HACCP concepts for systematic risk analysis, compliance with national and international laws and regulations as well as the avoidance of sanctions in the event of non-compliance and building trust with consumers and business partners
LEARNING POINTS: By imparting specialised knowledge about legal aspects, certifications and regulations, companies in the food industry can ensure their compliance and adapt to changing requirements.
Keynote 11
Food supplements: Current developments, sensible use and information on maximum amounts for vitamins and minerals as well as communication on food supplements.
Healthy nutrition: Nutrition trends and foods for specific nutritional needs.
Immune-boosting foods: Current trends and scientific findings on the role of foods and supplements in promoting immune function.
Psychobiotics and gut health: the link between the gut microbiome and mental health, and the development of products in this area.
Conscious consumption and transparency: How consumers are increasingly prioritising transparency and how companies can respond.
WHY IS IT RELEVANT? By sharing knowledge and practical approaches in this lecture, the audience will be empowered to actively support their health and take preventative action. Given the increasing importance of prevention, this is of great social relevance.
LEARNING POINTS: Strengthening the immune system and the body’s defences through practical tips on how to incorporate food into everyday life. Knowledge about gut health and psychobiotics, a new class of probiotic bacteria with potential psychological effects, is conveyed.
Keynote 12
Personalised nutrition and DNA-based diets: Digital tools & technological advances in customised nutritional advice and product development. Especially with the inclusion of the individual microbiome, this is a promising approach and paradigm shift to personalise and optimise healthcare in the future.
Health & wellness products: Development of products that target individual health needs, such as functional foods and dietary supplements to support a healthy lifestyle.
WHY RELEVANT? This presentation encourages a differentiated view and warns against exaggerated expectations.
LEARNING POINTS: Personalised nutrition as part of a broader health concept. The possibilities and limitations of this personalised approach will be highlighted and participants will be empowered to make informed decisions about personalised nutritional approaches and assess their potential for their own health.
Keynote 13
Blockchain and digital traceability: more transparency for consumers and producers
Fair trade and ethical sourcing: How companies can make their supply chains more transparent and ethical.
Social responsibility and business ethics: The importance of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the food industry.
WHY IS IT RELEVANT? In an increasingly digitalised world, consumers are attaching more and more importance to ethical and transparent production. They want to know where their food comes from and under what conditions it was produced. Disclosing supply chain information demonstrates honesty and openness and builds trust between companies and consumers.
LEARNING POINTS: How blockchain is used for traceability. Why storytelling, the origin story of products and companies‘ commitment to sustainability are becoming increasingly important. Practical examples of building trust and brand loyalty. The pressure on suppliers to adhere to ethical practices. Examples of risks in the supply chain.

Your Win
Exciting, informative and optimistic events for decision-makers, executives, producers, retailers and for anyone who wants to get new ideas from an experienced industry colleague. Vivid examples turn the events into experiences that have a lasting effect. Most of the ideas can be put into practice immediately. In addition: professional development; exciting insights behind the scenes and valuable insider knowledge; stimulating and new impulses for all participants; flexible choice of topics.

Current topics.
Experienced speakers.
Convincing appearance.
In addition to the examples mentioned above, the Clatu Academy offers many other formats and events that are specially tailored to the food, wine and beverage industry, retail and hospitality: